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Concept: Grameen Mittra

Team: Prabhat

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Welthungerhilfe in 2014, we know the transformative power of ideas and what it takes to bring them to life. Over the years we have also developed a strong reputation for strengthening and deepening local participative social innovation processes and championing the role of the third sector in radical system transformation discourses.
We champion and advocate for a just and equal world, and spend all our time harnessing the superpower abilities of social pioneers, innovators and civil society leaders to fast track radical system transformation. Being a fast growing social start-up ourselves initiated by
It is really good to see Young women are playing role of Change agent in their own Village. Unique and Innovative model to reach Last mile through concept of Women Empowerment .
An highly innovative model which has the potential to create a transformative impact on women from low-income households as well as also serve in building and strengthening of communities, everywhere it is implemented. This also provides a unique approach to address financial inclusion of women which can help in bridging the gender-gap in financial inclusion.
A unique model for last mile inclusion. I like the holistic Approach to cater to multiple needs through one solution and making the community it's ally which is the need of the hour. All the best to Team Grameen Foundation
The proposed model reflect the cycle to end poverty that is owned by the community especially the women and the Grameen Mitra's playing the most important role, i.e. educating and facilitating to ensure that each stakehoders does their duty and deliver as expected. Well thought of model that will lead to a sustainable society. Best wishes to #teamGrameen #PrabhatLabh
The concept of last mile service delivery through the rural women entrepreneur is very unique and has high potential.
This model has the potential of becoming a pioneering initiative in the realm of innovative financial inclusion initiatives. The element of trust and the sense of community ownership are vital to the success of the model. This model also carefully addresses the crucial issue of 'Gender and Women Empowerment', and integrates it through effective program design.
I like the concept of "last mile agent". Great idea! I assume you think of this model as social business instead of project which requires regular grants. But can the customers pay such services? Or do they have the objection that the do not have enough resources available? Are there possibilities to link such model for the Grameen Micro-financing?
This model is not only helping rural women become digitally literate, it is helping young women from rural areas become self- employed.These women are taking crucial services to the poor at the last mile and helping them build resilience.
The results of implementation of this model will be highly interesting. Would like to know more about how this model will work and try to alleviate poverty in rural areas
Looks to be great model for implementation in India and other countries which have low financial inclusion.
People need to be encourages to use this initiative. Convenience and affordability at your doorstep with deep and positive impact on women and men who use this service
Good mobile technology based initiative for rural and semi-urban areas. The more people are connected to this initiative, the more positive developments lead to alleviation of poverty and the incidences of women coming out of their homes to contribute to the economy
In this age of mobile based initiatives, this comes across as refreshing. This will positively effect the lives of women and people who she connects for services. Sustainability and continuance of services will be the key to continue this implementable model
This model has a high scalable potential and can be replicated in rural and semi-urban areas in fact whereever people need them. Is sure to have positive effects on poverty alleviation and women led initiatives in financial inclusion and behavior change
The element of trust is vital in this model.A definitive high impact scalable model with a potential to involve large numbers of women who want to be a part of an immense social initiative.
A unique feet on the street approach to fulfill the financial needs of low income populations. Serves a dual purpose, increase income of involved Grameen Mittras and provides doorstep services to populations who needs these services
I see a high potential to scale up this intervention as the market for financial and non-financial products is potentially untapped for low income populations. The concept of a women lead approach is novel, implementable and self-sustaining
A definitive high impact scalable model👍