Effective Collaboration in Multi-Actor Partnerships / Live Online
This training is for MAP facilitators, leaders, and those who want to be actively involved. It is a self-reflective and immersive journey that builds leadership and collaboration habits, creates accountability among MAP actors, and introduces adaptive management. 27-29 May 2025, in English.
Dates & venues
27 May 2025, 10:00 am GMT+2 – 29 May 2025, 3:30 pm GMT+2
For Whom:
This live online training is designed for people who are already engaged or intend to engage in Multi-Actor Partnerships, which are supported by BENGO/BMZ, including MAP facilitators, coordinators, and MAP members.
Training includes:
9 Live-online training sessions of 90 minutes over 3 days
All training materials
Impact training certificate
Training fee:
This training is exclusive and free for all organisations that are affiliated with BENGO/BMZ, including their partners in the Global South.